Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Consultant and Client Relationship

So, either you have decided or you are considering the need for a writing consultant. Do you know the role of a writing consultant? Let us just start with consultant—do you know the role of a consultant? A consultant’s primary role is to understand the needs of the client and then provide professional advice based on the understood need. The consultant may ask you a series of questions to ensure he or she understands your goals and how best to arrive at the desired outcome. So add the specialty of writing into the mix of the consulting world and you have a person who provides professional advice about your writing needs. This writing consultant will probably be the person you not only seek for professional advice about your needs but to provide you writing services.
                Now that we have talked about the writing consultant, what might your need be as a prospective client? Since you would be on the receiving end of what I mentioned above, you would think that your role is clear. Right? Well, it is not so clear for everyone who does not first consider that though this person writes, his or her primary service is to consult as a writer. I cannot tell you how many times I have encountered people who are actually just looking for someone to write what he or she desires without consideration for the consultant’s professional advice. One of the primary things I ask any prospective client before providing any service is, “What are your goals for the service you want me to provide?” A writing consultant finds great value in writing in such a way that it will potentially help the client reach the desired outcome.

Another part the client can play in making the writing consultant relationship meaningful is by bringing valuable input and realistic expectations to the consultant when sitting down to transform those ideas. Your writing consultant can come to you with his or her easel, paint, brushes, and all the tools of the trade but you must provide the model. Keep in mind—a writing consultant with integrity will never over embellish what he or she does not see. The client brings a problem and the writing consultant will advise and write for the best transformation of your ideas. Writing consultants can be one of your best allies for your business and personal goals. They can make you look good on paper and they enjoy having the opportunity to do so. Start the relationship today.
